Well actually, my aunt who lives next door got house got destroyed by the tornado i was stuck in my shed in the middle of it, my house had no damage but my aunts is demolished. Crazy but thanks for asking
It looks like you did answer this question but it was as a new comment and not in response to the actual comment. So I just want to clarify that you accept PayPal for shipping costs?
After your auctions and the person receives they will give you positive feedback once you get five you can post for more credits to start anf once people see that your sending the items out you will get a ton! I started off with small items and now i love this site... welcome and gl
Will you take shipping VIa Paypal? Could you give us the dimensions of the bag as well and an up close picture of the creed on the interior bag. Would love to bid but am nervous with someone brand new to Listia who wants shipping payments...