Free: WHISTLE BLING!! - Other Jewelry & Watch Items - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, WHISTLE BLING!! has ended.

Now all this BLING!!! A normal sized,silver tone,rhinestone covered sparkly WHISTLE!!
Now this is why I love Listia, you never have to worry about regifting something back to its original owner!! Thank you Listia! Now deep breath and smile P-)) Ok.the whistle.Does it work? I'm not sure. I remember blowing it once before the bachelorette party to show how much I appreciated it then "accidentally "left it at the house and never thought of it again. Just came across it and knew immediately that it was going to auction, and I decided to keep my germs to myself for your sakes! I remember that It made a kind of whistling sound,but not loud like a normal one. It might if you blew hard enough but like I said....... I want to send it to you as new as possible. Otherwise, it sparkles!! More for a granddaughter than a grandmother.

Listia addresses and no regrets.

Thank you for looking and keep your heart open to the blessings that are coming your way.
And if all you have to send is mean or rude, keep it off Listia please. Thank you!
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WHISTLE BLING!! is in the Jewelry & Watches | Other Jewelry & Watch Items category