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Beavis and Butthead #24 (1996)
All New Marvel Now Previews #3 (2014)
Beavis and Butthead #9 (1994)
Blood and Shadows #2 (1996) TPB
Blood Syndicate #1
Boof and the Bruise Crew #5 (1994)
Breathtaker #3 (1990) TPB
Checkmate #19 (1989)
D.P.7 #10 (1987)
D.P.7 #9 (1987)
Detective Comics #629 (1991)
Detective Comics #631 (1991)
Eradicator #1 (1996)
Eternal Warrior #13 (1993)
Ex-Mutants #10 (1993)
Extreme Justice #0 (1995)
Free Comic Book Day Project Black Sky (2014)
Freex Giant Size #1 (1994)
Genesis #0 (1993)
Genesis #4 (1997)
HammerLocke #3 (1992)
Judge Dredd Legends of the Law #2 (1995)
Justice League International #17 (1988)
Justice League International #21 (1988)
Justice League International #22 (1988)
Justice League Task Force #1 (1993)
Lobo Portrait of a Victim #1 (1993)
Lobo Unamerican Gladiators #1 (1993)
Mad-Dog #1 (1993)
Malibu Sun Preview Special #1 (1993)
Married With Children 2099 #3 (1993)
Marvel Comics Presents #12 (1989)
Marvel Comics Presents #125 (1993)
Marvel Comics Presents #13 (1989)
Marvel Comics Presents #66 (1990)
Marvel Comics Presents #70 (1991)
Mister E #1 (1991)
NEW GODS #19 (1990)
NFL SuperPro #1 (1991)
NFL SuperPro #1 (1991)
Nightwing #1 (1996) (black line)
Nomad #1 (1992)
Primal Force #1 (1994)
Solar Man of the Atom #25 (1993)
Soverign Seven Annual #1 (1995)
Spiderman Unlimited #2 (1993)
Star Corps #1 (1993)
Superman Presents The Krypton Chronicles #1 (1981)
The Amazing Spiderman #330 (1990)
The Amazing Spiderman #331 (1991)
The Amazing Spiderman #379 (1993)
The Amazing Spiderman #380 (1993)
The Hard Corps #7 (1993)
The Mighty Magnor #1 (1993)
The New Teen Titans #37 (1983)
The New Titans #0 (1994)
The Punisher #59 (1992)
The Spectacular Spiderman #189 (1992)
The Uncanny X-Men #248 (1989)
Underworld #1 (1987)
Underworld #4 (1988)
Web of Spiderman #90 (1992)