Free: The Path of Druidry - Walking the Ancient Green Way - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: The Path of Druidry - Walking the Ancient Green Way

The Path of Druidry - Walking the Ancient Green Way
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The listing, The Path of Druidry - Walking the Ancient Green Way has ended.

A "new" book for all Druids, Wiccans, Pagans, and anyone else wanting information on Druidry.

Discover the Sacred Beauty and Wisdom fo the Druid path. Listen to the call or spirit and seek truth in wild groves, the shifting seasons, and the beauty of the old ways. Discover how to embark on this sacred green path and enrigh your life with its ancient wisdom.

Practicing Druid Penny Billington offers a clear and structured course of study grounded in Celtic history and mythology, and highlights the mysteries and modern practice of this nature-based tradition. Each chapter begins with an evocative visualization and captivating Welsh mythic tales from the Mabinogion are woven throughout introducing lessons and key concepts.

Penny Billington is a druid celebrant in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and has edited the Order's magazine, Touchstone, for over eight years. She regularly runs workshops, organizes rituals, and gives lectures. She is also the author of two druidic mystery novels. She lives in England. Visit her online at
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Fanned & Watching!
Nov 18th, 2011 at 10:12:56 AM PST by
thank you! Fanned you back.
Nov 18th, 2011 at 11:51:53 PM PST by
Awesome Auction, fanned and watching!! <3 The Auction!! And, this right here is exactly what I have been looking for.
Nov 26th, 2011 at 4:42:16 AM PST by
Thank you. Fanned you back. This is really really awesome book. You'll enjoy it.
Nov 26th, 2011 at 8:51:20 AM PST by

The Path of Druidry - Walking the Ancient Green Way is in the Books | Other Books category