Free: "DOG TAIL CACTUS"~5 STARTERS~NEAT AND UNUSUAL~L@@K!! - Live Plants - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, "DOG TAIL CACTUS"~5 STARTERS~NEAT AND UNUSUAL~L@@K!! has ended.

Here today, we have another unusual plant, I have found. This time it is for 5 starts (pups) of "DOG TAIL CACTUS: . This is a very hardy succulent. It grows slowly and has to have a very BRIGHT spot--with lots of light. It takes little water and only fertilize about once every 3-4 months.
Now---for those of you who do NOT DO CACTUS because of the thorns (like me), these have thorns of a fashion--but they are what I call SOFT THORNS. They do not stick you--get under your skin and can easily handled for planting. As you can see on the branches, baby pups grow off the main branches. When mature---they can be gently picked, to make yourself a fuller pot of this. Upon winning this auction---you will receive 5 of the largest pups I can find on the mother plant pictured above in Photos 1-2-3. (NOTE: Mother basket NOT included in this auction) Pups will be between 2 and 4 inches and NOT rooted. Upon arrival, place in cactus potting soil and lightly water. Like any other "cactus", they typically like to be kept on the dry side!! AGAIN---"thorns" on this plant are NOT stickers and will not poke you!!

As always--FREE SHIPPING to save you $$$.

Questions & Comments
Hey Sandy!! I`m watching this auction of yours as well...
Need to get more of these slow growers...
Mar 31st, 2016 at 4:55:12 PM PDT by
Good For you!!! I really HUNTED and SEARCHED for both of these plants---cause I had lost mine when the room I had them in, got WAY tooooo cold last winter. I was lucky enough to find one and have a super nice lady SHARE HERS with me, for the other one--WHEW!! These are two of my FAVORITES!!! Double GOOD LUCK!! :o)
Mar 31st, 2016 at 5:13:44 PM PDT by

"DOG TAIL CACTUS"~5 STARTERS~NEAT AND UNUSUAL~L@@K!! is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Live Plants category