Hi Jtsmom13, this is AngieB1059, I have put up some more 18/24 month baby girl socks, I also put up some 24 mon baby girl clothing if your interested, please let me know I have probably 5 or 6 more outfits to put up. and I have a couple pair of light pants I have in a lot of 7 items. I will check back later this evening to see if you have sent any messages. All of my baby clohs are well taken care of, No stains,rips tares or holes, I will not post any thing I would not put my own child in. If any of the items I get have stins I try to get them all out or I will not put them up for bids, I will not put up any items with holes, tares or or rips either. thank you for checking out my site and I hope you will come back again soon. Sincerely, AngieB1059