I took it apart when I finished it and put it in the box and it hasn't been opened. I counted the pieces 3 times before listing - 1007. 1000 - 1008 is what I expect for a 1000 piece puzzle. So, all the pieces are there as far as I know. If for some reason you should find they aren't, please let me know and I will send you another puzzle. But, I don't expect that. Everything considered, I truly believe they are all there.
I took it apart when I finished it and put it in the box and it hasn't been opened. I counted the pieces 3 times before listing - 1007. 1000 - 1008 is what I expect for a 1000 piece puzzle. So, all the pieces are there as far as I know. If for some reason you should find they aren't, please let me know and I will send you another puzzle. But, I don't expect that. Everything considered, I truly believe they are all there.