Free: NINTENDO GAMECUBE - Other Video Game & Console Items - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, NINTENDO GAMECUBE has ended.

This gamecube comes with one game, Super Mario Sunshine, one controller that has been work on and works just fine, one memory card (don't know how much it holds),the power cord and the audio/video cables. It is in good working condition and would make a nice present for someone who still likes these sorts of gaming systems. I wouldn't be getting rid of it but I no longer have any reason for keeping it other than to sell one day as an antique. Happy bidding.
Questions & Comments
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what if we just want the game an m:card would you still just ship the game an card??????
Nov 20th, 2011 at 9:48:17 AM PST by
Why just get the game and the card when you can get all of it for the same bidding price. If you win and then you decide all you want me to ship is the game and the card I'll do that but if someelse wins they may want it all. Bid and win and we'll decide then...!
Nov 20th, 2011 at 9:59:02 AM PST by
Watching and fanned!
Nov 20th, 2011 at 11:49:11 PM PST by

NINTENDO GAMECUBE is in the Video Games & Consoles | Other Video Game & Console Items category