Free: Green Pattypan squash, organic, heirloom, no GMO - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Green Pattypan squash, organic, heirloom, no GMO

Green Pattypan squash, organic, heirloom, no GMO
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The listing, Green Pattypan squash, organic, heirloom, no GMO has ended.

20 seeds

Patty pan or scallop squash is a small, saucer-shaped warm-season squash that usually grows to no more than 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Patty pan squashes look something like a toy top. They can be white to creamy colored or various shades of green or yellow. Patty pans are less moist than other summer squashes such as zucchini. They actually grow more firm as they ripen similar to winter squashes, so they are best harvested and eaten when they are young and tender.

Cook. Place a whole, washed patty pan in a steamer basket over boiling water and steam for about 4 to 5 minutes or until just tender pierced with a fork. Patty pans can also be quartered and brushed with olive oil and roasted for about 10 minutes. Patty pan slices can be sautéed until just tender. They can also be stuffed with chopped onion, meat, cheese, and spices and baked.

Grow. Patty pan squashes are for summer growing and require 45 to 55 frost-free days to reach harvest. Most patty pans have an open vining habit but rarely stand more than 3 feet tall. Squash require full sun and regular deep watering
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Green Pattypan squash, organic, heirloom, no GMO is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category