You should at least check it out. Totally worth that extra trip to local store if you can save some serious cash. Online deals are pretty good but it seems like in-store are far more worthy...but you do have to invest extra time for that.
Oh man, haha well you will miss out some awesome deals. Wal-Mart has most new games with $28 price tag. So two new games for what you would normally buy just one.
Nice. I actually don't think I owned a console until Playstation, I believe they might have been my uncle's. it's been so long, I can't remember this stuff lol
Yeah they are bringing Code veronica out for the 360 to i wish they would bring all the what i call REAL Resident Evil games out in HD that would ROCK!
So right! I'd love to see that Remake they did for GameCube to get an upgrade for 360. That would be awesome.I'm surprised they didn't make that into the HD collection.
I agree, the old school Resident Evil games were much better. I own most cannon ones from the series and I believe Code Veronica X is one of my favorites. I was happy to see the HD upgrade on PSN recently. Great game.
Sadly, I don't have any other badges/patches. I used to have a jacket that had plenty and one I liked the most was the STARS emblem and FOXHOUND logo. I know you can find those pretty cheap on Ebay for example.
As for Killer Instinct, I believe I had the sequel for SNES but that was long time ago!
Luckily I can pop the new MK game if I get the craving to play it. I hate when all of the sudden I want to play a game I no longer have, like Resident Evil 5 for example lol