Free: Baby Gund My First Sports Bag - Collectible Toys - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Baby Gund My First Sports Bag

Baby Gund My First Sports Bag
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The listing, Baby Gund My First Sports Bag has ended.

Product Dimensions 3.4 x 4.1 x 7.5 inches
Pre-Owned and it is just the bag no Balls

Giving Neutral or negative feed back will be block, Communication is the key and I will always try my best to make things right

All international order can take anywhere from 15 to 40 days according to what country it is going to that is not counting any Holidays or weekends
Questions & Comments
seems bwe great for storing , carrying those baby soft toys kids like to tag along but r always falling all over the place or getting dropped along the way Also great way to start teaching / setting example of organization and putting things away , responsibility while having fun,,
i didnt have a cool looking bag but did do something similar and kids /toddlers took seriously,whebnever we were planning an outting he';d run around collecting all his little stuffy balls and other favs , great little helper ,he loved feeling involved in process of packing up to go anywhere,park, grammas , day care, even shopping and play dates, PLAY DATES Hed get a lot of attention from other kids whenever he had his little pack of play things,,
so i recommend to all Moms or adults with kids they know , you'd be the hero they remember every time they have their play bag along,, GREAT GIFT !!!! HOPE OK I BUTTED IN MY OPINION, I LOVE KIDS AND SO MANY Great Memories when i see kids stuff, GREAT AUCTION !!!
Apr 13th, 2016 at 10:22:26 PM PDT by
Yes I agree
Apr 13th, 2016 at 10:23:51 PM PDT by
glad you didnt mind me commenting =)) sitting here trying to think of someone i may know with child,, Someones going to be VERY HAPPY / LUCKY To have this,, So cute AND Useful ,, Happiest persons going to be the lucky child thou =))
Apr 13th, 2016 at 10:40:14 PM PDT by
No I do not mind at all
Apr 13th, 2016 at 10:41:56 PM PDT by
Does this come with the stuffed balls?
Apr 16th, 2016 at 4:31:06 PM PDT by
No it is only the bag
Apr 16th, 2016 at 5:53:37 PM PDT by

Baby Gund My First Sports Bag is in the Collectibles | Collectible Toys category