The listing, 21st Century Wicca- a guide has ended.
Written by a young witch in her mid-twenties, this book provides a refreshingly modern approach to Wicca craft and practice. Chapters cover spells, sabbats, initiations, psychic abilities, everyday magic, the effects of Wicca on relationships with others, being a teenage witch, and much more. A series of exercises designed to both teach and accustom the reader to the ways of witchcraft is also included.
Jennifer Hunter is a trained witch who has appeared on numerous radio shows, including The Howard Stern Show.
Online review: More so than any book on the Craft since Starhawk's _The_Spiral_Dance_, Jennifer Hunter has eloquently expressed the joy, love, and inspiration that come with finding the Goddess. Skip all those books of pre-written spells and rituals; Jennifer helps you understand the true *spirit* of Wicca deep in your heart.
I happened upon _21st_Century_Wicca_ last monrh while searching for a different book, but bought it based on existing reader reviews. Ten minutes' reading convinced me I had a real find! I was already designing my self-dedication ritual, but improved it dramatically based on Jennifer's writing. She helped me *feel* Wicca on an intuitive level and thus take my dedication from ho-hum to wonderful, from an act merely of rote to an act of true love.
Jennifer writes with an appealingly informal and very personal style. I felt as if she were there with me while I read: nurturing and guiding me, sharing of herself with me, loving me. The approach of naming some of the people she interviewed, and sprinkling their quotes throughout the text, works especially well.
Writing this book was clearly an act of magic and of love; I felt the presence of the Goddess in Jennifer's work.
This book is used but in great condition with uncreased page. One tiny crease on corner of front cover. LOVE this book