Free: ~"Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers"~HardCover~Great Condition~Nonfiction~ - Textbooks & Education - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~"Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers"~HardCover~Great Condition~Nonfiction~

~"Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers"~HardCover~Great Condition~Nonfiction~
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The listing, ~"Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers"~HardCover~Great Condition~Nonfiction~ has ended.

This is a hardcover book that has "everything you ever wanted to know about writing, or even THOUGHT about asking!" LOL. A hefty tome, Fourth Edition by HarperCollins College Publishers, dated 1996; Maxine Hairston and John J. Ruszkiewicz.

For budding writers, as it were...divided into five parts:
1) The Writing Process
Introduces students to college-level writing projects, both individual and collaborative, and includes two chapters on critical thinking and argument.

2) Style
Consists of nine chapters on making paragraphs, sentences, and words clear and effective.

3) Grammar and Usage
A concise, comprehensive reference to solving problems of agreement, pronouns, sentence boundaries, modifiers, and punctuation. ...a chapter devoted to the special problems ESL writers encounter as they write in college.

4) Research and Writing
Provides a complete guide to the process of researching and writing a paper with sources, with sections on MLA, ACW, APA, and CBE citation styles. Full-length student papers illustrate the MLA and APA styles. A chapter on writing resumes, job application letters, and business letters ends the section.

5) Tools for Writers
Offers brief help in improving spelling and vocabulary and in using a dictionary to best advantage.

Anyone looking to improve their prose, their written work in high school, college, or business would benefit from this book. It is CRAMMED with TONS of information whether writing a paper or a novel!

Lots of charts, references, indexes and helpful ways to use and abuse the English language in 839 pages chockful of info! From the cover: "...A handbook should encourage people to write; it should speak to writers cordially and with respect; it should treat writing as a lively and creative process; and it should recognize that not all errors are created equal."
Even tho VERY heavy, I am paying postage to U! Have a great Thanksgiving, and happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
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Nov 25th, 2011 at 2:55:13 AM PST by
Thank you! Good luck!
Nov 25th, 2011 at 12:03:10 PM PST by

~"Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers"~HardCover~Great Condition~Nonfiction~ is in the Books | Textbooks & Education category