This one is near what I consider it worth. It was made 6 yrs ago or so and is not one of my better works. I just listed it cause it was a handy coin on my bench. That was ringed. I can adjust the size on it and clean it up some. Pretty sure it's not 40%. Inside details may be pretty flat this is a mallet and mandrel ring when there was a lot more elbow grease in making them. With the tooling I have now and knowledge I have gained in tolerances and how the different metal react my ring making process is so much better than days of past! The 2" challenge coins I still have to get old school on and treat them like a terrorist until the shape and size becomes workable so the skill from this size and dollar sized coins from back in the day were well received. If you look in the sold photos of mine here, the Red Dawn coin is one of those 2" coins that required that old school type of whooping. And look at the photos of details left. I sell those for $80