FREE: Women's Boy short Underwear 5 Pairs BN Free shipping!
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The listing, Women's Boy short Underwear 5 Pairs BN Free shipping! has ended.
Winner can choose which set of 5 pairs boy shorts they would like 21 Day auction will not lower no GIN
I may even add on to this auction if this goes high enough. Items are BN
Free shipping for USA residents only excluding Canada!
Questions & Comments
I'm kind of confused by the last the comments - you said the purse was a part of the auction, for you forgetting to put size info for the panties.....and you said you would add the eye liner at 80k...and another item would be added on at 100k....u just updated at 129k credits, and all u have is the panties, purse and eye liner...? There should be another item if I'm reading all these comments right.
Because I was on my phone and said I would update more tonight with pictures when I can get on my PC I just gave a quick update earlier 80k is the eyeliner your right n then 100k I will add a lipstick n since it I at 129+ I will add yet another item maybe 2 I am on my phone so hard to see all what I previously said n to add or type more so I will go over it tonight and correct it or finish updating
Hey kimmie321 how you been lady? Yes I am trying to get this stuff cleared out it could have been a really good auction here but idk what going on anyhow new one is up and will see if that one can be much more successful.
OK sweetie, I was just wondering. I thought you had the already but I do understand that. They all are really cute. Thanks for answering me so soon. I hope the bidders get them high bids in soon hun. Looks like you could make this one amazing auction. It's really hard to add things when ya just don't know how things are going to go. Good luck and I will surly be bidding and hoping to win. THANK YOU BUNCHES....
sure thing anytime when I can I do my best and yes this could be a great auction I have tons new items and some gently used clothing but I think this will stay at cosmetics and such end. The bidders can determine this when it reaches 150k or more k I will send the highest bidder then a pm and they can pick the next item to be added :) one item from that list
hum tarte I know I have a little tarte item never used I will see what else I have I am ordering more stuff too lol but some of it is not new I will see what I can do on that end
22 hours left and i can no longer use the update feature so had to go here troublelou is in the lead but never answered my PM so idk what she wants added from the list I sent her the items in picture 16 can not be a part of this auction now unless some how it rockets in enough time before it ends for me to say what is added here in comments section you al see what in the pictures i was willing to add so whatever this gets to before it ends n in enough time for me to come here and list what more is added we will just see
FYI I do have another growing listing up as of today here on listia please check it out only 2 hours left here so I am sorry I can not add anymore items since troublelou so far is the winner I will add a bonus in for her if she wins if someone else wins I will pm that winner a list to choose one item from to have added to their winning.
I haven't read all the comments sorry if someone has already asked, but does the winner get to choose a set of the shorts or can they be mixed up? Thank you..
they can choose what set but not mix them up I have to literally buy multiple sets in order to do that so no that part I can not do but if it gets high enough I may potentially add a 2nd set plus whatever other items i add in it will all depend on the bidding. I have the red purse filed with the items I already said are added plus I been adding items in another bag to keep set aside to also potentially add too but the credits is just way too low and there is only 4 days left. I understand a lot of ppl like to wait to the last day but that makes it much harder for the seller to add and as well feel they are going to get enough credits to cover all the things they love to add I literally and holding off Items I can sale on FB for $$ to add here but I can not add them until this bidding soars I was just writing down too what to add and when if the credits rise lol it be great to get this built up to have a medium flat rate box filled of goodies for the winner whoever that becomes to be. As well if this one goes really well I will gladly do another one similiar to it.
I can try but also I sold a pack of these to another winner on another group and she said they run small so I will announce this above I just found this out yesterday so anyone knows a Large may want XL a M a L a S a medium I can try to find S there not too many sellers that have that size but I am searching now.
hun so far the winner gets to choose 1 6 pack set of boy shorts or regular set I can also do that around same price so far winner receives 1 6 Pack of Boy short undies from the many options above only 1~ 6 pk 1 Red Hand /clutch Purse 1 Eye liner pencil long one / Jordana Brand 1 Light Purple Nail polish BN 1 Lip stick BN color is dark pink frost/rose WET N WILD 1 Cosmetic bag brand new in plastic is a small one 1 Box of Regular Nail polish remover pads CVS BN 1 2016-2017 Purse size Calendar some random samples I have 1 Bronzer with brush BNIB 1 LA Colors All in one Makeup stick BNIP 1 ULTA Tinted Lip Balm .08 oz Gum drops BN
the items in picture 11 plus whatever set of boy shorts they choose as well.
pictures of other mentioned product items that could be added will only be added once the bidding qualifies for them to be added this is to make sure no one gets confused I have so many people asking me here and there is it everything in the pictures NO it is not it could be many of the items in the pictures and it could be more then it is starting out with please please read the details and updates and comments thank you
"sigh" ok am do not know what else to say guess just have to wait and see what happens on the last few days was hoping as the course of the auction went down I could add items each day but guess not.
Goodluck current high bidder and I guess I will see what happens in a few days or so. I will check back then.
ok ladies i guess you all are wary and wondering about this auction ok here is the thing I do not get my items free or many are not just old items sitting around i never used so to list them here I often will buy them at wholesale prices and offer them here for credits of course and try to profit credit wise of the items and still give you all a great deal many items are in stock n I mean many!! Makeup and more. So if you like to see this auction grow and have more added on you got to get the bids up and not on the last days either the more each day it goes up then i can update the auction with new items added with descriptions and pictures. I have so much that can be added but the credits have to match would you want to give your stuff away that is new esp for barely a portion of their worth?? And this is credits not cash so please keep that and the credit to $$ value ratio which last I looked was 8300 credits per $1.... yes that is the value of listia credits per dollar.,. as well keep in mind the sellers shipping and handling cost incurred. We can ship free for you but it is not free for us to ship it so please please bare all this in mind for those of you that do not know that much about how all this works. Now as for adding on if someone anyone and more gets this auction up to 80k I will add 1 item the liner as mentioned if it gets to 100k I will add another item and so on the higher the better items I WILL add. My house is full of brand new goodies and i just ordered more!! So please lets get this up the longer it takes to build up the harder it gets for me to add items.
The panties are in sets I can look around for other sets ftom supplier last I looked there was over 5 sets of 6 I mean not 5 so winner gets 6 panties n purse do far but can only choose which set we cant ho into oh I want 3 this 2 that I can check n ask but I do not think my supplier do that they are all new with tags. I have sentbto sets out already to winners on another site and they loved them.
again this could be an add on auction which means the sooner and more higher the bidding goes the more i will add to this auction ! I can not do that unless people start bidding on it and building it up. If it just sits and does not get any bids until the last day or so I can add much it can be a great lot I promise you all but you all got to bid first add on just for first comment and bid is above.