Free: "On Their Own"-What Happens to Kids When They Age Out Of the Foster Care System - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: "On Their Own"-What Happens to Kids When They Age Out Of the Foster Care System

"On Their Own"-What Happens to Kids When They Age Out Of the Foster Care System
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The listing, "On Their Own"-What Happens to Kids When They Age Out Of the Foster Care System has ended.

Published in 2004, but besides a few innovative programs, the situation remains bleak for kids "aging out" of the foster care system. This non-fiction book contains an introduction with a foreword by Jimmy Carter, 8 chapters describing the true plights of 10 young people leaving the foster care system and facing extremely difficult barriers,and an Epilogue. There are also listed at the end programs in each state for young people in this situation, as well as statistics. The book is in fairly good shape, but it is second-hand, and has been sitting on my shelf for a while. No rips or tears. As a former social worker, I would say that it is very sad and grim, but a topic that we all should be aware of. Free shipping in US
Questions & Comments
i "aged out" of the system, it wasnt easy getting on my feet but it happened. im now married and awaiting the arival of my son. im happier than i have ever been (= remember that some do make it and end up having a wonderful life. i was fortunate to have such a wonderful social worker who really cared about me. i really respect your work (=
Apr 27th, 2010 at 10:21:18 PM PDT by
Thank you for sharing this about yourself. I am so glad that you ended up doing alright; so many people do not. Your social worker is to be commended for being so wonderful. I wonder if she knows that you are doing so well... And you are to be commended because I'm sure it took hard work to get on your feet. I will try to list a newborn item in honor of your arriving son :)
Apr 28th, 2010 at 3:26:33 PM PDT by
aww, thank you. and yes, my social worker knows im doing great, i think i have her to thank for that. she is like a mother to me really, i thank God i have her in my life.
Apr 28th, 2010 at 4:56:21 PM PDT by
That is really nice to hear, and it probably makes her feel really good to know.
Apr 30th, 2010 at 7:23:50 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
my little boys in a foster home right now...i hope he doesnt think our case worker is his mother! they took him because i had missed court due to transportation. not saying your situations this way but the judge was ***** and is punishing my son for my absence. my family has tried like hell to get the little guy but cps has a diff. agenda. money.
Apr 29th, 2010 at 6:20:44 AM PDT by
How long has he been in there? Everyone's situation is different. The other person had a different story; she was saying she became an adult and she was still in a foster home facing adulthood and having to get on her feet, and she was lucky to have her foster mother. Your situation sounds wayyyy different. I was a social worker and if you would like some support you can email me at I hope you are able to get him out soon by doing what they want you to do. Good luck. BTW I have big issues about the "social service"system in general but the book itself is just talking about when kids get out- the problems they have to face.
Apr 30th, 2010 at 7:32:32 AM PDT by
im soory )= i have seen the system really mess people up instead of helping, but there are also a lot of people who never would have made it without foster care, i being one of them. i wish you the best of luck in getting your son back home.
Apr 29th, 2010 at 9:00:22 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I too aged out of the system. It was tough to get on my own and the first couple months were really scary but now I live with my wonderful fiance, and we have a pretty little girl on the way. I didnt have the luxury of a good worker and I dont have the best relationship with my foster parents but I would love to give her this book because she teaches the trainings for incoming foster parents.
Apr 30th, 2010 at 6:13:48 AM PDT by
In my work I saw some absolutely fantastic foster parents, and also people who had no business being foster parents, people who I used to grind my teeth when I had to deal with them because they were so clueless. So yes, there needs to be more training and better selection- but again, the book is about when kids get out- so if it would help the trainings to think about what happens when kids become 18, then it would be appropriate. I'm not trying to talk everyone out of bidding on the book!!!!! Sometimes people have kids and think they will remain little forever, and this goes for the foster care system. It is set up to take care of kids under 18, but we owe it to the kids to prepare them for after that.
Apr 30th, 2010 at 7:41:10 AM PDT by

"On Their Own"-What Happens to Kids When They Age Out Of the Foster Care System is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category