The listing, Orbea semota lutea / Orbea Schweinfurthii has ended.
From my garden collection
2 cutting of Orbea lutea
2 cutting of Orbea Schweinfurthii
Native from Kenia
Stapeliads are one of the most interesting groups of succulents-the diversity in shape, colour, size and smell make them an enticing group to collect and grow. The genus Orbea has beautiful flowers and is one of the easier groups to grow successfully. Even sterile plants with their purple-blotchy stems against various shades of green backgrounds are very attractive. In a rockery, mats of the plants among exposed rocks give a good backdrop for other accent plants such as euphorbias and larger aloes.
Bids over 100,000 send one cutting of each orbea
Usda growing zone 9 - 11
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