Free: 18' x 24" finished poster "The Shinigami" - Posters - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 18' x 24" finished poster "The Shinigami"

18' x 24" finished poster  "The Shinigami"
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The listing, 18' x 24" finished poster "The Shinigami" has ended.

18' x 24" finished poster "The Shinigami"
Drawn by me
Pen & Ink with Colored Pencil in anime/manga art style
This one is larger than my standard 12x18 posters that I make for sell on here.
Don't have room to hang it up anymore (made new pictures to hang up instead) & thought I would offer it up to a new home.
Was kept in a picture frame, removed for photos and placed directly into shipping tube.

Shinigami ( 死神, "death god" or "death spirit") are gods or supernatural spirits that invite humans toward death, and can be seen to be present in certain aspects of Japanese religion and culture.

☛✪Auction Terms Please Read✪☚

✈Shipping to Listia given addresses ONLY. NO addresses will be accepted via Private messages!

Rude comments are not wanted & will get you 1st class ticket to the Block Party

Will NOT GIVE refund of credits & will give NEUTRAL feedback & a 1st Class Ticket to the Block Party if:

①Winner does not contact or respond in 7 days after auction ends
②Winner backs out or does not want the item anymore
③If your address is not good & item is sent back to me marked "returned to sender"
(yes this has happened a few times now)
④If you do not or cannot pay for shipping in the stated method(s)

Winner will receive neutral feedback if not mark as received & give feedback after 2 months
Questions & Comments
Would it get laminated? If not, how much extra would that be?
May 20th, 2016 at 9:09:56 PM PDT by
No it would not be & I have no way to do that. You would have to do it yourself or get it framed.
May 20th, 2016 at 9:14:43 PM PDT by
Alright, thanks for the reply F&W
May 20th, 2016 at 9:16:23 PM PDT by
Your welcome
May 20th, 2016 at 9:16:56 PM PDT by
Nice artwork!
May 25th, 2016 at 1:58:44 AM PDT by
Thank you
May 25th, 2016 at 2:03:57 AM PDT by

18' x 24" finished poster "The Shinigami" is in the Art | Posters category