Wow I cant believe how much these go for these days, I put real authentic Arrow heads up back when I started years ago, They sold fast! I may have to Part with a few more if they going for this much! The ones I have are true Authentic found arrow heads from around where I live In S.C. and also found several in Areas of North C. Nice work & cool auction!
Here is a set of the ones I sold years ago, LOOK HOW LOW THEY WENT FOR BACK THEN!!! SMH.. But Listia credits wernt worth much, I won several amazing Cameras for less than 80k A brand new HTC cell for 50k, 19' Monitor for really low Its amazing how much the value in credits have gone up!!
Anyway I just wanted you guys to see The arrow heads found around my area, Since you both have a Interest in them, I am in NO WAY trying to promote a auction! I have not listed anything in years, Just thought you fellas would like to see them?
Yes I remember when 10000 credits was $10.,now its 100000 credits.i wrote Listia several times asking why they keep degrading the credits.and they tell me because of the devalue of the dollar. Listia being a China owned site manipulates the credits just like the country manipulates the currency.