The listing, #1 of 6 COSMETIC MYSTERY BAGS! has ended.
This is #1 of 6 mystery packages! EACH package has 10-15 items with a total of $50-$55 worth of products (not including extras).
Items may be eyeshadows, blushes, fracrances, liners, mascaras, makup removers, lip balms,sticks & glosses, liquid & powder foundations, bronzers, CC creams, nail polishs, hair sprays, etc.. (SOME ITEMS ARE WITHOUT PACKAGING BUT ARE BRAND NEW AND NEVER USED OR SWATCHED)
Brands may include Covergirl, Rave, Rimmel, O.P.I, L'oreal, Sally Hansen, Julep, Avon, LA Colors, Nivea Almay, Cult, NYC, Paris Hilton etc..
202k credits is $20 at this time (10,100=$1) which means you will be paying less than half price for your items with free shipping! NICE
All items will be mailed on the following Fri in a med flat rate envelope.