my mother was 30 and had female ca,i got married young,and took my brother and put them threw school there was seven of us ,i,m 61 now and have a lump in my right breast there watching it every 3t0 4 mon,s,so i understand how you feel, ty for bidding hon,and good luck
They found one for me to i was so scared they check on it twice a month now only 20 and i have a four year old daughter im just tring to give her a great christmas we just lost our home and i know this would make my adopted mother so happy
I have to win this for my older sister that is fighting breast cancer as I write this. She is back in the hospital again undergoing another surgery. She has been in the hospital more than at home. I love her dearly and can't imagine life without her. THIS BID IS FOR YOU SIS, I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND YOUR GONING TO WIN THIS FIGHT!!! I will be there with you all the way!!!
I feel for everyone and thier stories on here my mom was 46 when she lost her battle with breast cancer when my mom passed that was in 1992 found lump in aug 91 she passed march 92 have sister had lumpectomy at 44 and i have 6 lumps being watched every 6 mths im 42 i work in a drs ofc and we tell at least 2-3 women a week that they have some form of lumps or cancer please please do your self breast exams every month the 2 nd day after you start your menstral make yourself familair with your breast thats how i found mine and it has saved many of lives they have come a long way in treatment for this so do exams catch it early and live sorry for the long message god bless