Free: Jacaranda Tree seeds ( Dozen) - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Jacaranda Tree seeds ( Dozen)

Jacaranda Tree seeds ( Dozen)
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The listing, Jacaranda Tree seeds ( Dozen) has ended.

Jacaranda mimosifolia The jacaranda tree is a tropical beauty with its clusters of fragrant, purple, trumpet-shaped blooms. It makes an excellent shade or street tree.
Jacaranda, Brazilian rose wood, blue jacaranda, blue trumpet tree Growing Zones 9-11
This tree grows to a height of anywhere from 5-50' tall and 15-60' wide.
For the best blooming, plant Jacaranda mimosifolia in full sun. Small trees will be able to live in light shade if needed.
The leaves are pinnately compound, fine textured, and less than 2" each. Jacaranda can be either semi-evergreen or deciduous. The leaves may cause a lot of litter when they drop.Jacaranda is renowned for its clusters of purple, fragrant, trumpet shaped blossoms. These may also cause a lot of litter when they drop. Most of the blooming is in late spring/summer, but in the warmer areas it can flower at any time.
The fruit is a dry, brown, round pod that is 1-3" wide.
Jacaranda is an excellent specimen tree due to the huge trumpet shaped purple blossoms.
Jacaranda needs well drained soil. It is very drought tolerant.
Jacaranda should be pruned to form one central leader for strength and stability.Otherwise, try to avoid pruning your jacaranda. These trees tend to form many vertical suckers when pruned that distort the shape of the jacaranda. Try to only remove broken or diseased branches.
Jacaranda is very resistant to pests and diseases. There are no pests of note that attack the jacaranda.If the soil does not drain well enough, mushroom root rot may develop. If Jacaranda mimosifolia is not watered deep enough, it may not produce enough chlorophyll and become chlorotic.
Questions & Comments
Its native of Brazil, & all parts of it are said to have poisonous effects if ingested- i just googled that- only because im high bidder & i suddenly wondered if its safe to plant just anywhere...but its undeniably fragrant & beautiful, we just have to be thoughtful about where to plant them- i live on a ranch so it wont be here, because animals graze off the ground. But the park has a blank hillside & im thinking that would be a safe place away from the park itself but visible from the park as the hill is not too far to see it...and boy, would that be beautiful there! They have rodadendrons & other plants there, & theyre probably poisonous if injested too- alotta plants im hoping i win the seeds!!
Jun 19th, 2016 at 10:46:27 PM PDT by

Jacaranda Tree seeds ( Dozen) is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category