The listing, UFC FIGHT PASS 1-month Promotion Code $10. Value has ended.
You are Bidding on UFC FIGHT PASS 1-month Promotion Code $10. value
UFC FIGHT PASS 1-month Promotion Code Directions
- Go to www.UFC.TV
- Sign in or Register
- Click on “Start Your Subscription to UFC FIGHT PASS” in the upper right hand corner
- Enter "I willsendyouthecode" in the promotion code box on the left hand side of the screen, then click ‘Check’
- Enter Credit Card & Billing Info, if prompted
- Click the "Purchase" button
You must first do the steps above on your laptop or desktop, then sign out and sign in on your preferred device* using your credentials.
*You may watch the PPV on any of these devices;
Amazon Fire TV
Android mobile
APPLE; iPhone / iPad / Apple TV
LG Smart TV
Samsung Smart TV
Xbox One / Xbox 360