Free: Stuffed Large Flat Rate Box-Items For the home, Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Kids, Samples & Christmas - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Stuffed Large Flat Rate Box-Items For the home, Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Kids, Samples & Christmas

Stuffed Large Flat Rate Box-Items For the home, Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Kids, Samples & Christmas
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The listing, Stuffed Large Flat Rate Box-Items For the home, Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Kids, Samples & Christmas has ended.

Stuffed Large Flat rate box!
A little bit of everything!
Here we go:
1) New rotating musical bears beautiful with tags reads $17.99 Wedding/Romance

2) I think this is new It's a love bird trinket box. It was the mirrored glass effect. Super shiny.

3) You'll need something to put in the trinket box, Right? 51Jewelry Charms all different shapes and sizes. All kinds.

4) New Christmas ornament Santa. If you watch my auctions you may have seen this one before.

5) New Minnie mouse Necklace

6) Cloth shower curtain w/ribbons, Auction find-if you don't need it cut off the ribbons and make bows.

7) Children's Ring-Shaped like Mickey Mouse and is adjustable. Has a small Rhinestone.

8) Stars stickers-1 sheet

9) Sea creatures stickers-1 sheet

10) Owls & more stickers-1 sheet

11) Vehicle stickers-1 sheet

12) Church fan-Leopard it's beautiful

13) Taste of Home Measuring shot glass

14) New Handmade glass earrings

15) Matching glass Necklace

16) New Red stone ring adjustable size matches #14/#15

17) New Little Lip Gloss Set 6 different colors

18) New Little eye shadows set 6 different shades
This is sort of difficult to do so please-
I'll update as much as they allow me too so keep coming back!
Fan me & I'll Fan ya back

Now normally I do free shipping, but with Christmas coming soon I have had to charge for shipping and you sure learn fast that you are no longer so popular. But I have 7 grandbabies that I have to think of first If you don't understand that I'm sorry. Since the shipping is going to be so high and you might be in the same situation as I am You will only need to pay $6 for shipping and I'll do the rest. But maybe just maybe if the auction does well I will switch to free, but I doubt it will do well seeing how my other auctions are not doing well at the moment! But we will see.
Thanks for looking & God Bless
Questions & Comments
BTW, nice scoot...if I win you could toss in some biker goodies! LOL
Dec 15th, 2011 at 6:09:43 PM PST by
Well We keep all of our biker stuff!
If you live in Ohio you can come on over and my hubby or my son can give you a tattoo< LOL!!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 7:09:56 PM PST by
~ Wishing you and yours a Bright Cheerful Happy Holiday Season ~
Dec 15th, 2011 at 2:06:39 PM PST by
Thank you and Same wishes for you and yours!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 2:54:44 PM PST by
As it happens...I DO smoke! I saw the necklace cords, that's what made me suggest the instructions/kit. Their Mom is very creative, so she can probably help them get going anyway. Thanks!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:54:16 PM PST by
Guess I'll be looking for that lighter today, LOL!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 6:35:24 AM PST by
Maybe add more makeup and perfume samples? Nail Polish? Pens or colors for kids? Hmm...
Dec 10th, 2011 at 5:26:39 PM PST by
Sorry it took so long to get back to ya. I had too take some photos.

12/11 Added 1 Holiday coloring book
Added 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons

P.S. Still looking for make up
Great suggestion Thanks!!
Dec 11th, 2011 at 12:20:20 PM PST by
Well bummer on the biker goodies! I'm in SW FL....and allergic to the ink.....guess I'm SOL for that. LOL
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:38:03 PM PST by
Do you smoke? I used to have a biker mama lighter.. I can see if I still have it. I'll have to search for it so if ya don't smoke I'm not a searching LOL!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:45:51 PM PST by
Maybe nail polish, small manicure set? Christmas tree tinsel? Small kids instruction book on making beaded jewelry & beads?(thinking like a little beginners kit maybe)
Fanned & watching. Nice auction!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 6:02:13 PM PST by
I'll added beads and charms and elastic already. I already have 1 bottle of nail polish but I'll throw in another bottle of a different color. Christmas tinsel is already gone-sorry.
12/15 Adding 1 bottle of Avon Nailwear color is Romance (looks like a shimmering lilac to me)
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:22:11 PM PST by
Good grief... where is the kitchen sink? LOL How about note pad and pens? My Goddaughter goes through them like air. Watching and bidding. :o)
Dec 15th, 2011 at 11:26:25 AM PST by
I will check on that request as soon as possible. I think I have some but I want to check first! Thanks!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 2:55:55 PM PST by
Cool on the polish, I'll be giving a lot of the stuff from the box to my grand-daughters & they love that stuff.
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:39:07 PM PST by
I also had put some necklace cords in so your girls can make their own necklaces too!
Dec 15th, 2011 at 8:46:49 PM PST by
LOVE your auction!! I have 6 kids so anything will be fine for me lol
Dec 16th, 2011 at 7:06:51 AM PST by
Thank you so much & Good luck!!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 7:09:29 AM PST by
All of these items sound awesome (: watching and potentially bidding
Dec 10th, 2011 at 5:20:29 PM PST by
Thanks and hope you bid!
Dec 11th, 2011 at 8:13:08 AM PST by
would you have any paranormal romance books? I love a good paperback paranormal book in the winter, or extra tree ornaments since my son's husky keeps eating mine. LOL
Dec 16th, 2011 at 9:18:48 AM PST by
No books and my daughter took all the ornaments-Sorry!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 9:21:05 AM PST by
12/9 added Woolite Sample, Nescafe Samples, 1 Roll stretcy Cord, ! Small bag of Misc. plastic beads, 3 soccer ball charms

Hello is anyone out there??
Dec 9th, 2011 at 6:22:11 PM PST by
Goodness, I can't cook, but Husband can! Thank God. Thank you for looking. :o) Do you have jewelry cleaner?
Dec 16th, 2011 at 10:03:36 AM PST by
I have no jewelry cleaner to give away. I sell jewelry that's how I make a living. All the jewelry cleaner I have is used and trust me you wouldn't want it. LOL!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 10:06:46 AM PST by
nice fanned and watching please fan back thanks
Dec 16th, 2011 at 5:04:26 PM PST by
fanned back thanks
Dec 16th, 2011 at 5:06:45 PM PST by
Thanks everybody for supporting my auction!
If you are not the winner today-I have some of these items are listed singly so you might want to check out my other auctions.
Wish everybody the very best
Happy Holidays
Thanks so much!!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 5:15:59 PM PST by
Thanks Kaye! Don't sweat the lighter tho, I mostly use throw-aways so I don't stress when somebody borrows mine! LOL
Dec 16th, 2011 at 7:12:00 AM PST by
Me too!
Dec 16th, 2011 at 9:20:15 AM PST by
How about a taste of home magazine instead??
Dec 16th, 2011 at 9:21:40 AM PST by
12/16 Added
2 Kotex U Tampoo samples
1 Chairman toilet paper holder-new

The mail just ran I get samples everyday.
Dec 16th, 2011 at 10:08:17 AM PST by
Hey thanks you great Listians!!! This is fun and still have a little room left too
Dec 16th, 2011 at 12:05:31 PM PST by
19) New Avon eye make up remover

20) New Eye liner sharpener-2 size

21) New 2 EastGirl eyeliners

22) Night Eye Mask

23) 2 Sachets scented but I don't know what scent

24) New Avon Sweetie Pie nail polish-heart shaped bottle

25) New green braiding cord

26) New yellow braiding cord

27) 1 red waxed cord for necklace making

28) 1 black waxed cord for necklace making
Dec 6th, 2011 at 7:26:20 PM PST by
12/13 Added 1 Tacky wallet filled with grocery coupons and special offers- One of which is for a free brake inspection plus tire rotation from Pep Boys!
Dec 13th, 2011 at 11:30:32 AM PST by
12/13 Added 1 Saturday Evening Post Shower Gel-Pomegranate
1 Studio Basics Eye Applicators 20 count
Dec 13th, 2011 at 7:02:23 AM PST by
12/12 added 1 Holiday Taste of Home Tin

2 Poise pads
1 Kirkland body lotion
1 Shout color catcher
1 Tresemme shampoo & Conditioner
1 packet Natures Bounty fish oil samples 7 softgels
Dec 12th, 2011 at 11:11:23 AM PST by
12/11 Added 1 Fiber Choice Sample
Added 5 Home Placemats-tan in color-These were my mothers some are new ans some aren't

Any more suggestions anyone???
Dec 11th, 2011 at 12:24:25 PM PST by
12/10 Added 1 New Gorgeous Cross Necklace
Dec 10th, 2011 at 3:51:39 PM PST by
12/8 added TNT stuff

Any suggestions?? Get them in before I'm not allowed to add more pictures, PLEASE!
Dec 8th, 2011 at 8:13:56 PM PST by
Now does anyone need me to add anything?? Still plenty of room in the box especially now that some of the samples are gone!

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
Dec 7th, 2011 at 5:31:23 PM PST by
Seriously It took me over 6 hours yesterday to list this. I have tried to list a magazine before and the monitors didn't allow it. Also tried to do a recipe same thing happened. No monitor interrupted this listing. And at this point I am quit aggravated not at you personally just aggravated in general.
So if you want to flag it then flag it But I think if you do some of the watchers would be upset. I have no clue how to change it now. The first picture isn't even supposed to be the one that is there. I submitted a ticket asking for help and received none. Maybe if my support ticket would have gotten a response you wouldn't have had to take precious time at of your day. Thanks anyway!
Dec 7th, 2011 at 5:29:44 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
you'll need to check through your listing, as some of your items are against the rules. Anything that can be ingested ... gummies, Omega samples, power pills, supplements, etc... are against the rules :)
Dec 7th, 2011 at 3:27:11 PM PST by
Well every party has to have a pooper!
Dec 7th, 2011 at 5:22:07 PM PST by
If I say "something I got at an auction" It means at a live auction. My husband & I go to auctions every weekend.

That's about it Now Let me know what you might like and I'll see if I have it!
Good luck to all!!!
Dec 6th, 2011 at 7:49:31 PM PST by

Stuffed Large Flat Rate Box-Items For the home, Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Kids, Samples & Christmas is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category