Free: Wow A Brand New Pineapple Ring For Christmas, Anyone?? - Rings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Wow A Brand New Pineapple Ring For Christmas, Anyone??

Wow A Brand New Pineapple Ring For Christmas, Anyone??
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The listing, Wow A Brand New Pineapple Ring For Christmas, Anyone?? has ended.

Edited to Free U.S. Shipping 12/07/11

Awesome pineapple ring

Maybe for a Christmas present for a loved one OR How about a Christmas present for yourself-Nothing wrong with that, right?

It's brand new and as you can see in the pictures it is a size 8. A large ring the pineapple measures just under 1 1/2 inches tall and about 1 inch wide. These big rings are my favorite type! The bigger, the flashier and the gaudier the better! I nick named these type of rings with the phrase "He Came Home Drunk & I Thumped Him In The Head Rings"

The vendors of these types of rings call them imitation ox bone. In English terms the are meant to look like ox bone but are very hard plastic. It is just gorgeous!

Be sure to check out all of my auctions for more great stuff!

Fan me and I'll fan ya back

Thanks for looking and good luck to all!
Happy Holidays!

I am going to have to ask for you to pay for shipping. I know up till now I have always done free shipping. But please understand that with Christmas just around the corner and the fact that I have 7--YES 7-- Beautiful grandbabies. Whom I love with all my heart! They are my whole world, my whole life revolves around them! So I just can't possibly take any extra money I might have at this time to use for shipping costs. It all has to be used for my grand babies at the moment. I hope you all understand and will continue to be my fans and still enjoy my auctions. Besides the shipping cost on this item is only $1.75, That is the exact amount it costs me and it will show the shipping charges on the label so you know that I only charged the exact price. I accept Paypal, check, money order, cash or just come here and pick it up if your local-Hillsboro Ohio.
But please don't give up on my auctions!
Thank you and God Bless!
Questions & Comments
I totally did not see where you said there was shipping cost until i had already bid. Hopefully im out big because If i win Im sorry but im filing a Dispute because thats false advertising. The top says free shipping and the bottom says your charging. My mom lost her job and are friends and family have been buying us grocerys, It maybe be just a 1 but its a dollar i cant waste.
Dec 13th, 2011 at 10:18:00 AM PST by
It Is not false advertising you need to read it! It is free U.S. Shipping. International shipping is who has to pay>
Dec 13th, 2011 at 10:59:11 AM PST by
We cant afford christmas Presents, and my mom loves pineapples i was hoping to win this for her.
Dec 13th, 2011 at 10:18:40 AM PST by
Just retract your bid I don't feel like dealing with anymore headaches myself my husband is on unemployment we have 3 kids and 7 grand kids. Everyone has troubles nowadays.
Dec 13th, 2011 at 11:01:03 AM PST by
us shipping is free? oh I thought you said it was a 1.75?
Dec 13th, 2011 at 11:31:17 AM PST by
U.S. is Free all other Places pay exact shipping
Dec 13th, 2011 at 11:46:01 AM PST by
oh okkie! my apologies :)
Dec 13th, 2011 at 12:39:10 PM PST by
No need for apology you were just being honest and I was too. I just don't think nowadays that there are many people who can say they got it easy or are comfortable with their own situations.
Dec 13th, 2011 at 3:27:48 PM PST by

Wow A Brand New Pineapple Ring For Christmas, Anyone?? is in the Jewelry & Watches | Rings category