thanks for stopping by! please check out what else i am giving away .questions are always welcome- rude comments will be deleted and you will be blocked-i am here for fun and credits and not for drama. i appreciate my fans a lot-if you fan me , i will fan back-if i am at my limit- i will fan you as soon as i can do away-have fun and many thanks!i am setting a start price to help compensate for shipping. i have been spending a fortune on postage lately for low points. remember, credits to dollars ratio is: 11,100 points for $1.00 (6/02/16)even more now i heard-keeps rising on here-nobody is happy-trust me-. items cost a minimum of $3 to ship with tracking. almost always close to $3.00 or more with materials and listing fees- so a listing that ends with 33,000 credits or less, gets me a big zero
-please remember shipping is very expensive so when we offer free shipping -its not free for us-thanks- :) ps as always-gin gets lots of treats :) ps-if you ask me to gin-i get charged 50 credits and 10% goes to listia-so please do not ask if you do not plan on using the gin-or i will have to start refusing all gins except the ones i put up-i am not a witch -but i do get annoyed- :) have a happy day!! from salem , ma home of the witches-except moi' -ha ha-ps.....i am a same day/next day shipper-unless i am sick or its snowing or my mailman is not happy with me ;) pps-due to postal increases yet again 6/29/16 and listia credits increased to 12,000 per $1-i cannot offer free shipping on all items-shipping paid by you through paypal only if auction says its not free-i apologize but this is not my fault and i do not profit in anyway-this is what is happening to ruin this fun site-well enjoy and thank you to my loyal fans-from a longtime seller and buyer <3