The listing, Out grown Pre-owned Lot of various Pokemon Cards ,Total of 44 Cards! FREE SHIPPING has ended.
Clean out lot of Pokemon cards. My kid moved on to doing cos play . She gave me Pokemon cards that she outgrew and doesn't need anymore . I just put them up as a lot . All you will get is listed below.
Cards have been used !!! Some will show wear , markings , or slight bending . No major damage. most are in great condition.
Winner of this auction will receive:
Trainer Mysterious Fossil
Trainer Poke Ball
Trainer Goop Gas Attack
Trainer Potion (4)
Trainer Energy Removal
Trainer Bill
Gible Basic Level 9
Dark Ratice Stage 1
Basic Mankey
Onix Basic
Hippodon stage 1 level 45
Dunsparce Basic level 21
Eevee Basic level 12
Eevee Basic
Diglett basic ( there are 3 , 2 are same style , 1 is different ) pics posted.
Phanpy Basic level 14
Magmar basic level 30
Geodude Basic (2)
Geodude Basic level 12 (2)
Meowth , Basic (2) payday 50 HP
MEOWTH basic coin hurl 40 HP
Stantler Basic level 28
Machop Basic
Machoke Basic , Stage 1
Riolu Basic Level 7
Energy Card - Full Heal Energy
2 Fighter Energy Cards
8 Fire Energy Cards
You receive a total of 44 Cards.