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FREE: Book 5 The Great Controversy FREE SHIPPING

Book 5 The Great Controversy FREE SHIPPING
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Author: Ellen G. White
Pacific Press, copyright 1999
384 pages Approx. 7.7" x 5.2"

This book “is a thrilling presentation of the past, the present and the future. The source of comfort and inspiration to millions of people already, it could be one of the most important books you ever read."

The Great Controversy gives a startling overview of the mighty conflict between Christ and Satan from its origins in heaven thousands of years ago to its conclusion on earth in the days just ahead of us. This still-timely book reveals how God will ultimately rid the universe of evil and make all things new.

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Questions & Comments
How many books are in the series I believe I'm missing books 2 and 4 I believe
Jul 19th, 2016 at 11:47:34 AM PDT by
There are five (5) books in this series
1. Patriarchs and Prophets
2. Prophets and Kings
3. The Desire of Ages
4. Acts of the Apostles
5. The Great Controversy
Thank you for your interest.
Jul 20th, 2016 at 10:37:42 AM PDT by
I got book 1. Desires of the ages 3. The great controversy ended, 6. Patriarchs and prophets, 7. The acts of the apostles and 8 prophets and kings
Jul 20th, 2016 at 11:13:07 AM PDT by
Oh, so you have all five of the Conflict of the Ages series, which covers earth's history from the Creation to God's kingdom restored on earth. Those are the ones I focus on for Listia. The numbers on the back of the books refer to a larger publishing project. In that No. 2 is Christ's Object Lessons, which covers Jesus' parables; No. 4 is Ministry of Healing which covers health matters, and No. 5 is Bible Readings which covers various topics of the Bible in question and answer format.
Jul 20th, 2016 at 8:21:37 PM PDT by
Yea I like the series so far
Jul 20th, 2016 at 8:30:57 PM PDT by
Jul 21st, 2016 at 5:04:21 PM PDT by

Book 5 The Great Controversy FREE SHIPPING is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category