Free: 3 MTG card lot. 1 Mythical Rare, and 2 rare - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 3 MTG card lot. 1 Mythical Rare, and 2 rare

3 MTG card lot. 1 Mythical Rare, and 2 rare
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The listing, 3 MTG card lot. 1 Mythical Rare, and 2 rare has ended.

3 cards from Magic the Gathering.
I Mythical rare, 2 rare
Clever Impersonator; good card, has one little scratch you can see in picture two off to the side of the card. Good condition other wise!!
Shivan Dragon Excellent condition
Nightmare, also in Excellent condition!

All listia rules apply.
Only mail to verified address.
Please verify withing 72 hours, and I will ship it within those 72 hours~!
Mails in plain white envelope, wrapped up. Thanks for looking! I don't do GIN, please DO NOT ASK! Thanks, I have other MTG card listings!
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3 MTG card lot. 1 Mythical Rare, and 2 rare is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category