The listing, Organic Helianthus Maximilliana "Santa Fe" 25 seeds has ended.
Maximilian's Sunflower is one of fall's showiest wildflowers. Native to Texas. Incredible flowers, stunning foliage and mid-fall bloom time. Large golden-yellow flowers are tightly stacked on the top 3 to 4 feet of the stem and the deep green symmetrically arranged leaves make an attractive hedge. Very easy to grow Zones 4-9 in about any type of soil. Doesn't need a lot of water but will grow taller with more water. 2015 seeds
I will only ship to addresses that have been verified via Listia's shipping address rules (check out Listia rules: Shipping Addresses section or go directly to the form at: & that have been sent to me directly through Listia (& not through e-mail), which can be done after the auction ends. If you are not willing to send me your shipping address directly through Listia, then I cannot ship this to you.
Thanx to everyone who bids, and ALL who stop by! Have a GREAT week!!
I also have stuff on ebay under the name espbargains