The listing, NEW Silver Tone Head Pins has ended.
This auction is for 10 Single Silver Tone Head Pins.
Size: 2".
Current rate:
16,700 Credits / US$1
(as of Aug 22, 2016 at 8:29pm)
Please Be Fair & Honest.
Comes from a smoke/pet free environment.
~ Please look at my other auctions.
~ If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
~ On all my auctions I will do a GIN on, but NO low ball GIN'S. Send me a message with GIN offer.
~ Shipping is done at least once a week, and within 7 days per listia rules! So please don't ask when i am going to ship, i will let you know when i will ship.
~ if i do not receive a verified listia address through the auction link within 7 days, i will not send the item to emailed addresses. i will relist the item and keep the credits! Listia's rules.
~ if i receive negative comments, or if you want to be rude, you will be blocked forever. I'm not trying to be mean, just being real. This is supposed to be a fun site no time for haters!
~ before leaving negative feedback or a dispute....i will do my best to work out a mutually agreeable situation to the problem.
~ You are responsible to read all descriptions in my auctions.
~ Mail is running much slower due to the Holiday Season & Weather conditions. If this is a problem which is happening everywhere then don't bid.
* All Listia Rules Apply.
* NO Buyers Remorse.
* If you CANNOT abide by these terms or are going to be DISHONEST please DO NOT bid on any of my auctions.
Thanks for reading my very reasonable rules good luck & happy bidding :-)