The listing, One Suicide Squad Movie Ticket Voucher (8.00 Value) has ended.
Check to see if your theater will accept this Fandango voucher. The vast majority do, but there are a select few that don't. Your responsibility to check.
Within 4 regular hours of your purchase, you'll be getting a PDF file sent via email that you will print out and use at the box office for up to an 8$ value (each) towards tickets to see the movie "Suicide Squad". You'll have to pay the difference if the ticket is more expensive than 8$.
Good for both children or adults.
I got this as a code and already redeemed it for the printable voucher, (which you'll be getting). I had more that we used, but one family member wasn't allowed to go due to his unacceptable behavior, so his loss is your gain today.
It has a name on it, but in the many MANY times that I have used these exact types of vouchers, they have never once asked for ID or anything to verify the name on them.
That being said, you could easily call up your theater to ask if they would ask for ID to use them, so that's your responsibility to do, if you don't want to risk it.
This is being offered super cheap, 8$ value for only less than $1.50 in listia credits, so snatch it up before someone else does!