Hi there! Welcome to ListiaLand! Fanned Back and Good Luck! Also...
Just a friendly tip... when you receive a comment on your auction, hit the 'reply' word under that comment first, then type your reply into the box that opens up. Once you have finished typing, hit the word 'Reply' under that box. That will automatically send your answer/reply in an email to the person who commented. Otherwise, just by replying in the 'submit' box, the commentor will have no idea you even answered their question, unless they track down your auction again and come back to this page to check. By hitting 'reply' first, it shows the commentor that you are active in your auction listings, and willing to take the time to answer all their questions and/or concerns... Plus, it helps with the trust issues associated with sites such as Listia, etc... Good Luck with all your listings!
yes honey. i'll do it for exact shipping, just waiting two days to have my paypal verified, i would do free but am doing all free so far and its adding up