I have not used this one. It is a photo manipulation program. I have one fo r my i936 Poliroid 12 mgp. But I won't be using that either. I have Photoshop Elements. Everyone with a digital camera should have some type of photo manipulation program.... at least for cropping, lighting and color. HP has one that comes with it's printers, Canon with their cameras.....and most other cameras by major companies.
I have used Picasa and also tried to wade through Gimp. Is it similar to either of those? Or somewhere in between? I'm frustrated with Picasa's limitations, and with Gimp's inexplicable complexity (which apparently many people find simple; I'm not one of them.)
without opening it up, I don't know it's limitations or complexity. My guess is that it can't be too difficult to learn, as it comes with a consumer camera...not professional one. Picasa is simple, but my daughter uses it all the time. What exactly do you find are its limitations? Hmmm, I smell brownies baking in the kitchen. You will have to excuse me....I need to investigate.
They wouldn't tell you, but most photos are formatted as jpegs...and it is that which you manifpulate with your computer. The only reason you would need this disc, specifiallly is to upload pics diectly from your camera to the computer if you had a Nikon....so the computer would recongnize the device. Chanves are that if you have a newer computer you can put the the SD card or CF card right into your computer. Does that help at all?