Free: Your Baby's First Year Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler - Textbooks & Education - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Your Baby's First Year Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler

Your Baby's First Year Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler
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The listing, Your Baby's First Year Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler has ended.

et the trusted authors of Your Pregnancy™ Week by Week—the book you relied on while you were pregnant—guide you through baby’s remarkable, sometimes mind-boggling first year. With easy-to-understand information at your fingertips, you’ll know what to look for and understand what’s happening. This book will provide you with the skills necessary to support and encourage baby’s growth. Thoroughly revised and updated, Your Baby’s First Year™ Week by Week includes the latest pediatric guidelines and recommendations, plus more than 50 new topics—everything from food allergies to cord-blood banking. It also features the essential milestones of baby’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical development on a weekly basis. Valuable information includes: Common medical problems: what to look for and when to call baby’s pediatrician Bonding with baby: from baby massage to talking, what you can do to create a meaningful connection Feeding baby: breast milk or formula? and introducing solids Sleeping habits: how to improve the situation for the entire family Vaccination guidelines: learn about the latest recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Playing with baby: how to help develop baby’s cognitive, social and motor skills through play and with toys, many of them homemade Baby gear: the latest on carriers, high chairs, swings, cribs, clothing, diapers and everything else you may need

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Your Baby's First Year Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler is in the Books | Textbooks & Education category