Free: Fragrant Razorless Beard Remover Cream - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Fragrant Razorless Beard Remover Cream

Fragrant Razorless Beard Remover Cream
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The listing, Fragrant Razorless Beard Remover Cream has ended.

I bought this product but never felt like using it, instead I bought an electric shaver. This is regular cream shave with Skin-Conditioning Oils for Soft, Smooth, Bump-free Skin. Its formulated for black men, but it works just as fine on white males as well. My brother uses now and he is white. They say its "formulated exclusively for black men" because black men have course hair, sensitive skin, and are more prone to razor bumps (I DO NOT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE). All you do is apply the cream to the shaving area and leave for about 6 minutes. After that gently remove cream with edge of spatula or straight edge object. Then rinse area with warm water. My older brother uses this and he said it works very well, with only having to use it every 3 days. Thanks and good luck to all bidders out there!
Questions & Comments
This is only for black men or can white men use also? My fiancee gets bumps at the neckline. Would this stop it? Ive tried everything at Sallys beauty Supply already.
Dec 19th, 2009 at 8:29:43 PM PST by
I sent you a forum post. Gives you your answer. YES :) Check your inbox.
Dec 19th, 2009 at 8:39:38 PM PST by
Please do not take offence to my question.
Dec 19th, 2009 at 8:30:06 PM PST by
none taken :)
Dec 19th, 2009 at 8:32:47 PM PST by
what does it smell like?
Dec 20th, 2009 at 2:26:43 PM PST by
lol! I cant tell you honestly. It's not like strawberry, lemon, berry ect., it just doesnt stink like Nair.
Dec 20th, 2009 at 2:45:32 PM PST by
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Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:31:52 PM PST by
Dec 23rd, 2009 at 5:59:13 AM PST by

Fragrant Razorless Beard Remover Cream is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category