Free: Anaconda, DVD, used. - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Anaconda, DVD, used.

Anaconda, DVD, used.
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The listing, Anaconda, DVD, used. has ended.

DVD is in used condition, will be shipped in its original case with artwork included.

Your item will be shipped within 7 days of receiving verified Listia address, usually sooner.
Please keep in mind I ship all of my items at the post office which is closed on weekends & Holidays.
I ship movies first class mail with tracking included, this is more expensive than Media mail but it arrives much quicker.

The GIN price includes: Free shipping & tracking, cost of the DVD, sellers fees.
If you would rather pay the shipping price, $3, I will lower the price by 50%. I accept PayPal only.

-Buyers responsibility-
As a seller I take the time and energy to list, package and ship my items. Please be considerate and mark received when your package arrives so that pending credits can be released. Positive feedback is appreciated and reciprocated.

Thanks for checking my listing out, and feel free to take a glance at my other titles listed!
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Anaconda, DVD, used. is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category