The listing, ✨3 PEPPA PIG STORY BOOKS WINNER CHOOSES 1 ✨GIN FOR ALL 3!✨ has ended.
"hi my name is peppa pig. this is my brother george. this is mummy pig and this is daddy pig."
this cartoon character has become a big success all the way from the uk!
clever yet simple daily life stories with a silly twist!
winner chooses 1
gin for all 3!
its time for reading,learning and having fun with peppa and her family &friends
enjoy these simple stories with your children:)
there are 3 different stories to choose from:
bedtime for peppa
ballet lesson
peppa's first sleepover
winner chooses 1
gin gets all 3
reading is paramount and that will never change. without reading your child cannot unlock their imagination nor survive the many life long challenges needed for survival.
im a firm believer in a parent's interaction with the reading process.
see all pics for up close details and important info about my auctions, rules and dollar sell rate
it comes as no surprise that the dollar sell rate has increased drastically.
my prices will reflect the increases/decreases so i can continue offering quality bn items and offer free shipping
gin incl cost of item, my shipping cost and a 10% fee listia charges me once you mark received
thank you for stopping by:) click on my profile icon and check out my other listings. i have peppa and george ty's
keywords: child, reading, educational, learning, nick jr,highlights,disney,magazine,peppa pig,story books