Free: Earrings piece unique natural crystals of apatite and silver. - Earrings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Earrings piece unique natural crystals of apatite and silver.

Earrings piece unique natural crystals of apatite and silver.
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Earrings handmade jewelry piece unique natural crystals of apatite and Sterling silver.
Weight, 5.3 grams
Size, 2 inches.

The Cerro del Mercado iron mine in Durango is one of the most important and famous localities for fine apatite specimens in the world. Almost every collector has seen and can easily recognize apatite from this well known mine. The fluorapatite at Cerro del Mercado was most abundant in the western ore body; sadly, this ore body is almost exhausted and mining has been inactive there for over 25 years. The apatite from Durango is not only of interest for mineral collectors, but has other uses too. Clear apatite that is chemically very pure has been used in small amounts for many years by the pharmaceutical industry for the production of certain medications. In addition, the Durango apatite has research applications. Some scientists use it as a standard for the thermochronologic analysis of rocks (apatite fission track analysis). These measurements represent an alternative method for the dating of rocks and in some cases, they make it possible to reconstruct the thermal history of rocks in the low temperature environment. REFERENCES Lyons, J. I., 1988, Volcanogenetic Iron Oxide Deposits, Cerro de Mercado and vicinity, Durango, Mexico: Economic Geology, Vol. 83, p. 1886-1906. Megaw, P., 1999, The Geology and Minerals of Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico: Rocks & Minerals, Vol. 74:1, Mineral of Mexico, p. 20-29. Jurgeit, M., 2001, Fluorapatit und seine Begleitmineralien vom Cerro del Mercado in Durango, Mexiko: Mineralienwelt, Vol. 4, p. 56-61.
Questions & Comments
your work is so very pretty! I hope I win something ONE of these times! What properties does apatite hold?
Dec 30th, 2011 at 2:03:54 PM PST by
Spiritual and Healing Properties of Apatite:

Apatite is a balancing stone that can help to integrate emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. It can also be used as a healing tool to clear chakra blockages. Apatite can stimulate the "knowing centers" and strengthen intuition. When worn or used as a crystal elixir apatite has been attributed to suppressing hunger.
Dec 30th, 2011 at 4:48:13 PM PST by
Beautiful pieces. i love your jewelry. fanned you.
Jan 6th, 2012 at 7:03:34 PM PST by
Hi, thanks, I see you won the fire agate pendant is a fine stone, and I congratulate you!
Jan 6th, 2012 at 8:01:04 PM PST by
So glad i won. thanks. i am certainly a fan of your beautiful jewelry. i personally love silver. not really a gold fan.
Jan 6th, 2012 at 8:23:47 PM PST by
Well, Mexico is the largest producer of silver in the world for 400 years, gold is in South Africa!
Jan 6th, 2012 at 8:48:26 PM PST by
Lucky to live there. where in mexico do you reside? my grandmother was born in leon guanajuato and my grand dad in lagos de moreno, jalisco. i have never been fortunate to visit mexico, that is the interior. born and raised in laredo, texas, a border city but never visited past nuevo laredo, tamaulipas.
Jan 6th, 2012 at 8:52:32 PM PST by
Guanajuato and Jalisco are 2 beautiful and rich places in Mexico, would be great to meet you! Especially if its root
Jan 6th, 2012 at 9:06:38 PM PST by

Earrings piece unique natural crystals of apatite and silver. is in the Jewelry & Watches | Earrings category