I checked and no one is under my wings given I'm an Angel and all☺️. I'm just kidding around with you. From what I can recall, I'm not sure if it's just confined to the gift card category, but I'm thinking it may be, Listia has a rule that until you are awarded your seller's wings you are not allowed to bid on these auctions.
The reason for this is unknown to pretty much everyone because no one understands Listia's reasons for much of anything. I know this doesn't help, but I hope you understand a little more than you did. I think you may need to sell 5 items that get marked "Received" by the winner and also have 5 feedbacks - all positive; so if you have anything you can mail with a card or in a regular envelope with one stamp, take a photo with your phone and list it or them. Things like sports trading cards, but if so, secure so they don't bend; coins - any coins that predate 1963 sell very well because of the silver content. I hope this gives you an idea of how you can begin selling when you're poor like me ☺️.
Oh, earn free gift cards. These sell the best. Amazon then Ebay. PM and I will help you in any way I can.