The listing, Seed Break Listing: Select ANY five (5) Catnip Celosia Feverfew Hyssop Mullein etc. [20 seeds each] has ended.
OK folks, I'm going on a Listia Seed break for this year. I will not be listing seeds after 31 Oct. I do however plan to start listing again next year :)
I appreciate everyone who has bidded on my auctions that have been so wonderful to deal with. You have made it so positive that even when I thought of quitting, because of a few bad apples, I stayed posting.
Rules of Engagement :)
1) The postman does NOT always deliver
2) Mistakes happen
3) If there's a problem, you'd be surprised how emailing me directly can rectify most of them
4) If you don't realize this PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T BID. I'd rather give my seeds away for the minimum bid, than deal with you.
Please select ANY five (5) from the below.
Catnip - Nepeta Cataria (Perennial)
Celosia (Cockscomb) - Celiosa spp. (Annual)
Dandelion - Taraxacum Officinale (Perennial)
Elecampane - Inula Helinium (Perennial)
Feverfew - Chrysanthemum Parthenium (Perennial)-2 available
Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea (Biennial)
Goldenrod - Solidago Odora (Perennial)
Holy Basil - Ocimum Sanctum (Annual)
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis (Perennial)
Jimsonweed - Datura stramonium (Annual)
Joe Pye weed - Eupatorium Purpureum (Perennial)
Lobelia - Lobelia Inflata (Annual)
Mallow - Sidalcea Pink - (Perennial)
Motherwort - Leoncrus Cardiaea (Perennial)
Mullein - Verbascum Thapsus (Biennial)
Plantain - Plantago Species (Perennial)```
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing (Annual)```
Zinnia Various - (Annual)