Free: Pokemon Version Sun & Moon 3DS Games Special Aucction (Winners CHOICE)(READ DESCRIPTION) - Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Pokemon Version Sun & Moon 3DS Games Special Aucction (Winners CHOICE)(READ DESCRIPTION)

Pokemon Version Sun & Moon 3DS Games Special Aucction (Winners CHOICE)(READ DESCRIPTION)
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The listing, Pokemon Version Sun & Moon 3DS Games Special Aucction (Winners CHOICE)(READ DESCRIPTION) has ended.

This is an auction for the soon to be released pokemon games. Pokemon Sun & Moon.
- Both games have been pre-ordered at Gamestop and will be picked up the day of release.
* Games come sealed and with all items such as box and manueal included. With be shipped in bubble envelip with tracking.
- Winner of the auction will have the >CHOICE< of >ONE< game they will choose.
*Even when using the bas <offered> Gin

- Will only take private and agreed on >SERIOUS< Special Gin offers for >BOTH GAMES<
- Games are compatible with Pokemon X - Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire and Pokemon Bank

*These games have not been released yet. But pre-ordered
*Release date is November 18th for North America.
*Shipment to Great Britain and Canada will be extra as they come out at a later date then North America.
*You are only receiving one. Only if stated otherwise when I have messaged ypu on a gin offer cpuld you receive both.

-I upload through the app.
-Sorry If Pics are Inverted
-Are all taken using a phone camera

- Cardlot
- Card lot
- Deck
- Bundle Bundles
- Deal
- Limited Edition
- Pokemon
- Pokeman
- Qr Code
- Event Code
- 3ds Game
- 3ds 3DS 3Ds
- Sun Moon
- X Y ORAS Bank

///Credits are based of the amount of credits that you can buy through the Listia homepage as well as the app. ////
50$ = 1.345 million credits
5$ = 134k credits
1$ = 26.6k credits

*Negative comments and remarks about auctions will get you banned*

- (===> Fan & watch for future auctions like this one if you liked it and share with your friends<===) -

If you have won the auction if you need to pay shipping.
I >ONLY< accept [PayPal] and [Bitcoin].
No money or check through mail, no money orders
Refusal to pay and item will not be shipped or credits refunded.

- Send payment for PayPal to-
( )
ask for Bitcoin wallet address

+ (also is contact for any questions or message me directly and not in the auction comments)
Questions & Comments
Over Priced
Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:12:47 PM PDT by
Nope and unless ypu intrested in my auctions. Stop commenting as your wasting your time.
Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:20:56 PM PDT by
Agreed, 40 dollar game for 219 dollar in credits.
Nov 7th, 2016 at 8:12:25 PM PST by
Uhh wrong.

40 dollar game brand new and a choice of whivh one you choosewith free shipping for less then 50 dollars worth of credits. You can buy over a million credits for 50$

The current dollar to credits ratio by listia is 22k = 1$

Gin is never the exact price of what it is. My starting bids are or close to the amount.
Nov 8th, 2016 at 4:26:51 AM PST by
Plus. Look at any brand new on opened Pokemon 3ds game here on Listia.

My starting price auction is less then theirs is now. Though my gin is higher, I do also offer two games for the gin as well if the person so chooses to use it.
Nov 8th, 2016 at 4:37:17 AM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
wow the GIN is over $100.00
Nov 17th, 2016 at 5:23:02 AM PST by
Do you actually know how mu change credits go for?

You can buy 50$ worth of credits and that equals now 1 million.

1$ = 22k in credots now. Please do not comment unlesd you know proper pricing and have also read my description
Nov 17th, 2016 at 5:25:51 AM PST by

Pokemon Version Sun & Moon 3DS Games Special Aucction (Winners CHOICE)(READ DESCRIPTION) is in the Toys & Hobbies | Games category