ok the coat is 6 months,, with this room it is crazy I knew that!! lol I am freaking out!! they say this case is resolved but I see all three of his accounts still on here! That will make me walk off this site!! that is so wrong and it obvious!!!
the worst part is he ruined my auctions on e-bay tool 28 items off for a month then kept doing buy it now and I was trying to be helpful gave him a $368 discount and he still would not pay but kept taking items down.. I could no longer put them up for the free ad and ended oweing $63 tool holiday items off during the holiday! then when I asked him to agree to let the items go so I didnt have to wait another 7 days he didnt follow through, then told me his kids deserve my stuff and I have so much money I dont deserve anything!! then comes over here and on all my auctions harass me then ruined expensive items asking ppl not to bid becous of his sob story!! then comes back and wins bids with diffent account oh but the same address that I cross checked with e-bay... then look at his auctions he has 2 items sold but yet the both said they didnt want the items??? sorry its wrong and I have worked hard being nice and doing more for ppl then expected! I just dont want him to win anything of mine... sad actually
who are you going to be next time?? seriously I am not a dumb person and I feel so sorry you teach your kids to scam ppl out of thier hard earned money!! you know what I have had to work hard my whole life and I have never asked anyone for help, I have a feeling if you can be on e-bay and here all day you are not working but trying to scam Listia as well?
I would desrcibe it as You can't have it!! I have a idea though, go get a job and buy stuff !! you sure have no problem taking out of my wallet and I cant imagine what you have done to other ppl, is this a picture of your daughter? you really use her picture and make her look like a greedy, disrespectful young girl? who does that?? I would never use my kids to harass another person, seriously go get help, you need to lay on the long couch and find out why you have no EMPATHY for other ppl!!!
you are a scammer!! this is account number three!! I am not a dumb person and you mistaked my kindness for weakness, I allowed you two months of my life, and you cost me $689 plus the fees from e-bay, you begged me not to report you and I didnt, you then bid on other items and didnt pay for them, and aske me to just give them to you!!
This person u r talking about e-mailed me and ask me if i won this pink coat i was bidding on if i won it could they have it for their kid that didnt have one and they would trade other clothes for it. Thought it was odd, y didnt they just list the items.
oh yeah, he has two accounts and he harasses everyone asking for free stuff wanting to give you money!! ect its a scam.. just report him and the more ppl; that do they might take him off for inaproprate behavior