The listing, Disney Stickers - Mickey Mouse Soccer NEW has ended.
Disney Stickers Mickey Mouse Backyard Fun
12 Dimensional Stickers
I will ship to Listia verified addresses only. Please provide shipping address in a timely manner. After 7 days if I still don’t have an address, I will relist the item and bid on something really cool with your credits! Credits will NOT be refunded for NOT providing the necessary shipping address!
I ship at least 2 times per week, so please be patient! I will update the shipping status as soon as I’ve mailed the item. Tracking will be provided on items that cannot be mailed using first class postage stamps.
GIN is not "set in stone". If you're liking a listing, but can only do a lower GIN, don't be afraid to make a counteroffer. (But please, don't ask me "What's the lowest you'll take?" or something similar. I obviously want my GIN, and will tell you so! You need to make a reasonable counteroffer. I’m a reasonable person!)
If you feel the need to express yourself in the comments, please be positive and/or polite! Negative and/or rude comments will result in you being “banished” to my “blocked users” list for eternity!