I cant do that because theres no way for you to give me 1274 credits, BUT....SHIPS FREE WITH GIN! That's the best i can do. Or you may still be able to get the chip at 100 credits and $5 for shipping which is still a great deal! Good luck!
It is a good chip for a good deal. I just don't have any money for shipping. Lol. I will try to get 3000 Credits though. By any chance, does it come with the chip? Thank you!
just the spider, no mod chip, most ppl on here dont understand what it is for, so it will likely relist giving you time to get those credits! good luck!
I'm trying. I got 1336 . I agree. Most people don't even know what it is. I could use this to unbrick my soft modded Xbox and my little brother's soft modded Xbox. Mine bricked when the power went out transferring the files to a larger hard drive and my lil bro locked his hard drive on accident. All newb mistakes xD. Great action! I'm trying my hardest to get 2000 more.
I got a little bit more, and yeah, that's what mod chips are for, to give you something to fall back on. I had mine soft modded for a year before i wanted to change hard drives again, go figure the power went out.
I did some more Trial pay things and haven't gotten the credits for them. It has been like 6 hours. Now it keeps giving me the error again. I'm trying though! Thank you for your patience and working with me! One of the best sellers iv'e seen on here!