The listing, up to 100 items or more Childs Toy mystery box(es) TRUSTED SELLER has ended.
I have so much piled up to my ears that it is causing hazzards in my home... NOT GOOD! its time to give this stuff away!This auction will start with an automatic 1 toy!
For every 500 credits I will throw in 1 extra toy!
100-500= 1 toy
1000 = 2 toys
1500 = 3 toys
etc etc
So at 50,000 credits you will recieve a whopping 100 toys shipped right to your door!
You won't get anything that is:
Scratched (unless it does not affect its use)
all from a smoke free home
but I do have 3 cats, and 1 if this is a problem for you I have to ask that you do not bid on my auctions please.Ok so....500 credits for every toy you want added...its up to you to decide how many toys you want..but I can promise you that the more you get...the happier you will be!
Im going to do shipping on this I do accept paypal but
If you use GIN you will get ALL 100 items & FREE SHIPPING!!!
Im making this an extremely LONG auction so many people get a chance to see it and also save up the credits if they want to use the GIN feature. Good luck Listia friends some lil child will be soooooooooo happy with this I will even mail them to the child directly if you like just give me their address what a great birthday or valentines day present:)