Free: pokemon deck-electric mouse deck (free shipping) - Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: pokemon deck-electric mouse deck (free shipping)

pokemon deck-electric mouse deck (free shipping)
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The listing, pokemon deck-electric mouse deck (free shipping) has ended.

yup you heard me right,a whole pokemon electric type deck,mostly mouse type only showing the holos but you get a whole 60 card ready deck.if this auction ends at 500 or plus you'll get

with 500 points- i'll throw in 2 random electric type pokemon holos
with 750 points,i'll throw in a deckbox (plus above)
with 1000 + every 100 after that-i'll throw in 1 rares and 1 holos (plus above)

plusle x3 (HGSS unleashed)
Minun x3 (HGSS unleashed)
Zapdos (platinum - arceus)
pichu x4 (three arceus and one HGSS set)
pikachu x4 (1 HGSS, 1 arceus,1 pop S9,& 1 platinum SV)
Raichu x3 ( 1 HGSS,1 POP S9,1 platinum SV)
mareep x2 (1 HGSS and 1 platinum)
flaaffy x2 (HGSS)
ampharos x2 (1 platinum & 1 call of legends)
supporter copycat
supporter professor juniper
supporter team rocket's trickery
supporter pokemon collector
trainer potion
trainer leftovers
trainer energy retrieval x2
trainer energy search x2
trainer revive x2
yellow energy x24
Questions & Comments

pokemon deck-electric mouse deck (free shipping) is in the Toys & Hobbies | Cards category