The listing, Littlest Pet Shop ~ Turtle (must have LVA) PLZ READ FULL DESCRIPTION B4 BIDDIN has ended.
* ok all listia rules apply
* u must have 'l'istia 'v'erified 'a'ddress & no messages given v it...lva
* must b given within 7 dayz v win, i have 7 business dayz 2 sendin item & plz allow 7 - 10 business dayz 4 delivery, not includin weekendz or holidayz, sent by usps
* u bid/gin u won
* no buyers remorse ~ no refund v credits & no feedback given
*or join my block party
* plz leave feedback when u get the item, i will give feedback 2 :)
* if u have a problem with the item, plz talk 2 me first, it can b worked
*if biddin on more than 1 auction ~ plz let me know 4 i can save shippin cost
* paypal
* any questions plz ask ~ i'll fan all
《 《 this isn't new, i won here but my grandchild is afraid v it. gently used & i was told that this isn't name brand or such..i never said it was》》
this is 4 a lps turtle:it's soft brown/tan with green shell ~ has dark blue with some light blue with stars eyes ~ has a pink flower on top v head ~ it's head turns, there is no other marks on is. is. is. ..