sorry i do answer comments i just dont have personal internet i can only get on when im at work and no its not through cable its through msn and your phone
Have you had this registered in your name or in anyone's name so that it would be a problem reregistering it to a new user? I am still waiting on shipping fees to 29306.
I do not have pay pal so shipping would have to be paid by money order or some other way but if the bidding gets to 2000 then ill pay the shipping myself!!!!! It just seems much easier to do it that way, but i wont be able to ship til friday!!! hope that helps
Just so you know there is a new service of sending and receiving money called you do not need a bank account but you will have to confirm your identitiy through a picture of your drivers license. They also send you a free prepaid AMEX charged with 10$ ON THEM FOR SIGNING UP AND THEN ALL FUTURE PAYMENT YOU RECEIVE CHARGE THAT CARD. Just thought you might be interested I think they are way better than paypal. I will inbox you a link in case you want to sign up. They also give you something for referrals but I have yet to have one so maybe you could be my first.