Growing roses from seeds can be easier than you think ! patience is required, but worth it !stratify your rose seeds to encourage them to grow better. to stratify your seeds, place them on a paper towel that has been soaked in a solution that contains half water and half peroxide to prevent mold from occurring. fold the towel to keep the seeds inside and then put them all into a resealable bag. place the bag inside a refrigerator . keep the seeds in the refrigerator for six to 10 weeks. another method to stratify is to place the seeds in a tray of potting soil, cover the tray and then place it in the fridge for a few weeks.
create a potting soil mixture that is ideal for rose-growing by filling pots or trays . push the seeds down into the soil about 1 inch. place them outside in direct sunlight once the threat of frost is gone and water the soil when it looks dry. the seeds will likely begin to sprout in about six weeks.
transplant the seedlings into separate containers once they have grown a few inches tall. be careful not to touch the plant's roots during this process. the use of a spoon may be helpful.
i would mulch the first year. i just use leaves. most of this type of rose is disease resistant. start right away if you see any disease. i use home made and it works great on all plants. 1/4 c anti bacterial dish liquid, 1/4 c. baking soda, 1/4 c sulpher powder. can be bought cheaply at the drug store, acne products. 1/4 c. vinegar. mix with 1 gallon of water and spray as needed . this method can be used for any type of rose bush.. thanks for your intrest,please email with any questions. i mail the next day after win